Kri Álilā tákn (Caitya) directs a person towards the path of wisdom. For with wisdom a person is constantly satisfied. The concept of guilt or resentment is not there, a state of helplessness may be there for things that cannot be changed for it is not in one’s own control. It is not a way of comparison but a way of realising that in truth Divine can communicate and the core language of Divine can be in the language you know and it also can be in a language you might have forgotten. People never really understood the direct communication of divine for they hold their own conditional knowledge as precious leading one to ego and the superego which they too realise is wrong along the way. Direct communion with Divine is feared for they were still holding on to redundant knowledge and conditions. Those few who were in communion were never accepted by the society, such living spirits were always alone on their path, died or were killed by those who feared them. Direct Communion is the way of Caitya, in the beginning it is weak, but as our Spiritual growth we become more Wise. This wisdom is the Will of the God you know, but then with deeper evolution and delving the seeker comes to be in communion with Divine through a spark lit within And Wisdom is the Will by the Lus-al. Caitya is a complete immersion of the self in the living moment for in that moment one goes deeper within the conscious level while rising to all occasions and needs of the society one is living in. Caitya
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