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Mahashivaratri Cleansing and Meditation

We invite all the seekers of truth to take this opportunity to gain something more than they expected for it is a day of Spiritual awakening, Energy transformation, Stillness, conquering the enemies and Balancing of Disruptive energies. For Yogi’s who want to gain the insight this day it is part of the truthful commitment.

DATE 24-02-2017 TO 25-02-2017 Meru Samaya (24-02-2017) = 06:15am-09:34am Ürga Samaya(24-02-2017) = 06:53pm-09:23pm Samanvaya Samaya(24/25-02-2017) = 09:23pm- 12:34 am Kaal Samaya(25-02-2017) = 12:35am to 12:55pm Kaalalah Samaya(25-02-2017) = 12:56 pm-03:36pm Samana Samaya(25-02-2017)= 03:38pm-09:24pm The channelling will begin On 15-02-2017(Wednesday) from 03:05am based on the names and details received and will add up as time moves on. All those keen on participating on the programme do put in your interest and select from the times written above. One person can select maximum three time slots.

Family persons if participating do Add the member names, Age and the same can be mailed on

You will gain the following EBOOK detailing the ways of the doing Meditation. Keep the book as sacred for it shall be a truly guide for you in your life and beyond

Soul Searchers intends to raise the consciousness of people and to help create a turning point on this planet—a world where people are in tune with their inner-selves, living healthy and creative lives and are no longer swayed by religious dogma or politics.  The purpose is to bring the state of righteousness (dharma) back again in current state of political turmoil and selfishly motivated people.  We believe the truth can be known and realised through guided and workable ways. Thousands have benefited from the process of initiation and share them with your friends and family and together we’ll touch and transform lives. 

# Soulschennai


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