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Jul 14, 20162 min read
Master is a Master
Tallābhārtham prayatnastu kartavyo hi manīsibhih | There was a young student-archer who was learning archery from an elderly guru. Out of...

Apr 11, 20162 min read
Master Disciple
“There is no mind, there is no body, there is no wisdom. There is no better, there is no worse. There is no master and there is no...
Sep 17, 20152 min read
Aghori -The Way
Once an Aghori was sleeping at the cremation ground. His left foot was inflicted with worms and they were eating his flesh. For letting...

Sep 3, 20152 min read
Many curious people came and a crowd collected around the Sadhu to know what exactly He was selling. The sadhu kept selling from one...

Aug 16, 20152 min read
Diksha- Initiation
Parivrajaka Sanyasi accepted invitation from select few and had one meal a day from one place being put in as Bhiksha in his Bhiksha...

May 29, 20156 min read
Stairway to Moon
While at Shamayim, a moment in time came when things in place allowing me to recollect a story I had written in 1983 about four great...
Apr 21, 20154 min read
Once the young celestial spark within a young seeker of truth had a question lingering on his mind. He sat and contemplated on the...
Feb 25, 20152 min read
Master I created
I seek Master to give me salvation For it is written in scriptures I seek Enlightenment and Liberation But nothing shall I surrender...
Jun 7, 20143 min read
A Gurudev of Big Ashram was ready to retire soon. So it is customary to appoint a successor for the Ashram. The Guru called in all the...
Mar 30, 20142 min read
A seeker goes to a Master to learn. He learns and takes every word of the Master as a valuable tool of guidance in the path. The seeker...
Mar 18, 20147 min read
Lose Thyself in the Vision of the Lord
Lose Thyself in the Vision of the Lord, until then you are not alive. What you seek and when you find it you understand the vastness that...
Mar 13, 20145 min read
Duties of a man
From Atma Sanchaya Dhwani Volume 1 Issue 17, 1st Jan, 2007 A certain king used to inquire of all the Saṁnyāsis(Renunciate) that came to...
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