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A Festival of Light

Namaskar Wishing every one a very auspicious and beautiful Dhanteras, Naraka Chaturthi and Deepawali.

Dhan means wealth not just money. It is a day of taking a path of leading a life full of abundance, joy and wealth and not just monetary benefits. Dhanteras this year falls on 09-Nov-2015

Naraka Chaturthi is an expansion of the self beyond the limited areas of understanding and growing within to see the beauty of life in every moment that one lives. Naraka Chaturthi this year falls on 10-Nov-2015.

And Deepawali the festival of light is based on the whole concept of expanding, connecting and experiencing the light within while the surrounding night is covered in darkness for the light reflected from moon is not seen. Thus it is a moment of lighting up the inner self so the world is lit up from sparks of individual spirit light.

When the mind is calm we too become calm, when the heart is jubilant the spirit too dances. The world at its best is filled with material needs and for fulfillment of it, it is necessary to have financial stability within you. Try this beautiful way first to gain financial stability so that we can move on to calming the mind and making the spirit jubilant.


On the Dhanteras

After sunset. Light a ghee(clarified butter) lamp. Place it outside the door, if not possible place it outside the altar.

The wick of the lamp should be facing north direction. Have a coin, preferably silver if not normal coin can be used, in the oil. Let the lamp burn throughout the night.

In the morning take a 1/4 spoon rice added a little turmeric powder a little water mix it. Now take a betel leaf( if not available take a white piece of water apply a little sindoor [vermilion powder] with water so that the centre of paper becomes red). Place the rice and the coin that was in the lamp in the centre of betel leaf/paper fold it.

On the  naraka chaturthi light a lamp of gingerly oil.

Repeat the process

On the day of Deepawali in night light a lamp of mustard oil, repeat the process. Now you have three coins in three betel leaf/ paper.

Keep these three betel leaf/paper in another small pouch. Keep it in the locker. You Will never have problems with wealth in cash or in life.


Sit in a comfortable position. 

Close your eyes

Breathe in normally.

Expand the hands outwards in such a manner that they are at shoulder levels while the palms are facing outwards.

Bring your focus to the upper abdomen keep inhaling and exhaling

Now inhale and say ‘NA’ and while exhaling say ‘RA’

The sound should be in whispers while the breath should be felt at the chest and abdomen.

Keep repeating the ‘NA’ and ‘RA’ continuously till you feel a pull happening at the throat or at the centre of the head.

Slowly relax the arms and bring the palms to the chest. Place left palm over the right palm and sit for sometime.

Before coming out please say ‘thank you to the self, consciousness, medium, preceptor, mentor, and those who matter in your life’.


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