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Interlocked Chakra

Inter locking happens when imbalance of energy on earth chakra breaks free and connects with svadhisthana chakra.

At this juncture the life of self gets disjointed from the energy centre of self evolution controlled by Manipura chakra(Solar Plexus Chakra). Leaving with a vacuum at earth chakra while heaviness expanding within the Vishuddhi chakra(Throat Chakra) and Anjna chakra(Third Eye Chakra).

It is a reverse inflow of Ida(Parasympathetic Nerve) and Pingala nadi’s (Sympathetic Nerve) that brings heightened flow of energy wherein the Anjna and Vishuddhi chakra takes the prominent elements of earth and water energy as the base. It leaves the seeker exhausted, under pressure and a sense of disbalance. When such a scenario emerges any sort of physical exercises or exertion shall become burdensome for the individual. The easiest way for one to delve deep to relieve oneself is through meditation of self and consciousness. Only when the awareness of self and consciousness emerges then one finds the inter-locking of chakra slowly opening up and gaining the desired relief.

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