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philosophy and spirituality?

Philosophy has its origin in the Greek words philos meaning love and Sopia meaning wisdom. It is a process of understanding the psychology beyond the paralance of body and mind. It is a unique process more concerned with the inner way of transforming a knowledge base into a concept of pure science through a process of identifying the concept, analysing the concept through  high level  debates and discussions. A concept can be totally analysed by many layers of discussion and understanding each layer of discussion may again be rejected or accepted based on logic and understanding provided. Any logic or understanding which stands the test of time is accepted and rest are rejected.

The most beautiful part of philosophy is that the concept which may be taken up by many is so  simple that majority of people ignore it but by the time the thinker have worked on the same concept may become invaluable

Philosophers were respected from ancient times and even today they are respected for what they have contributed in a great deal in the manner we think and behave today in society. Some of the great thinker  Thales, Democritus, Socratus, Plato, Aristotle, Euclid, Pyrrho, Augustine, Thomas Aquinos, Nicholas, Al Ghazali,  were greatly involved in finding out the concept of universe, relationship of man with man, man with God, understanding the concept of after life,  nature of divine energy, cosmic revelations and  one of the greatest philosophers in Indian tradition was Adi Shankara –  one of the founders of the Advaita which created a dramatic change in the thought process of philosphy. If we want to look at Hindu philosophy then it works on the basis of 6 pillars of knowledge [Samkhya(enumeration), Yoga (union), Nyaya(logic), Vaisheshika(atomism), Mimansa (investigation), Vedanta(greater thoughts beyond the Veda)]. Vedanta is so deep that it works on six similar pillars nonduality(advaitam), Dvaitam(duality), Dvaitadvaita(dual nonduality), Suddhadvaita(pure dualism), Visistadvaitam(pure oneness), Achintya (beyond comprehension).

 Spirituality on the other hand is concerned with Spirit in pure sense  the true word is adhyatm meaning one which is related to the Atman in pure form. Spirituality is more personal in nature compared to philosophy as it widens or narrows with the knowledge of the person. For a person worshipping an idol may be adhyatm for another it may be reading from scriptures yet for another it may be doing nothing but surrendering to the divine. The forms and expanse happens with the pure intention of gaining wisdom on daily basis and also finding ways of evolving from the mundane concerns to higher evolved thought processes.

 A true spiritual person will look at evolving as a means of removing the superstitious beliefs from the true belief and faith, grow from the past experience for a better future, firmly believing that there are  million ways of reaching the divine and all have the similar kind of divine flow with itself. Such a person will have dual development one from the inner self and the other from the Selfless Self. This realm is a state of realisation which even philosophers could reach only when  they reach the truth which could withstand  the test of time in a clear and logical manner.

Philosophy on the other hand when proved in a logical and precise manner become spiritual in nature.


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