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Power of few minutes

Every life on earth has a unique capability and ability to attain its peak of productivity. Insects, Birds, Animals and Aquatic animals have the ability to learn the ways of reaching there peak in life by observing, training and live actions in the ways of survival and fulfillment of basic needs of life through the help of parents, society.

Humans have been bestowed with a thought of productivity  beyond the realm of survival and fulfillment of basic needs of life. With all this natures power behind the human mind, one finds that very few people are truly creative, productive and think and work for a future. It is not that the capability and ability is not there but the true potential is hidden behind huge number of conditioned mindset that has formed the basis for training from childhood.

Holding the mindset of the childhood one will never be able to break free of the conditions of non-creative and unproductive shackles. Memories of a childhood is wonderful but when the same memories become a obstacle for growth and productivity of a person then the guilt emerges, making the person sink deeper into one’s own guilt and then fear emerges leading one to a situation where one looks for unnecessary ways of cheating, fraudulent ways of getting or showcasing the abilities and capabilities. Though such ways and means is worth its life for a few hours, days, weeks years or maybe a decade then it fades away.

One can be a successful person, a good husband, a good wife, a child, a rich and one having the power, but is it you? Most of the things people do are not by choice but by guilt or fear, when the guilt or fear emerges then comparison of success and failure happens, good and bad happens, have’s and have-not’s happen. In this powerful force called guilt or fear one keeps struggling to prove oneself time and time again yet the reach is only few times and that too makes more comparisons emerge. Slowly and steadily this leads to a burn out syndrome.

Hold on for a minute, close your eyes. Inhale and exhale normally for a minute and then think what if you have one day to live what all things you would do ?

Too many things will emerge in mind starting from near and dear ones, family, children, sex, travel, money, security; all thoughts will be filled with fear and a sense of losing. You might want to come out of the fearful moment, wanting to open the eyes, still hold on and keep making the list and slowly you would find that over a little time most of the things have vanished leaving out few near and loved ones and if you continue they too would be gone. So who is left only YOU. This YOU is your Conscious Awareness of Self.

This is the beginning of a new journey for you, You have found the YOU; is this YOU what everyone loves, misses, hates, ignores. No, this YOU is you yet so different from you. This is the self what came with you, what shall be with you but never had a chance to be part of you. This YOU is the core energy that works at productivity levels, chiseling the conditions in the perfect mold that make you realize the potential within you.

Now again Slow down and hold , for ten minutes and think with YOU, what life can offer you in increments of every ten minutes for you.

You would find that slowly over a time your own self brings out meaningful things for you, it is a change a way of bringing about the essence of you in the most Productive manner. Here the Productive essence is different it is not out of fear or guilt, it is emerging out of joy and happiness, and connected with Conscious Awareness of YOU. One remains eternally motivated with the SELF when one is connected with YOU and the beauty of this whole thing is that it is not goal oriented or based on competition, it is about excellence. It is about reaching your own peak with no guilt or fear feeling.  Once connected to Conscious awareness of Self one loses out the concept of selfishness but reaches out to the state of Self wherein the world becomes a family who appreciates, loves, cares and accolades all your achievement for you too feel the sameness everywhere at every level.

Your attainment of productive and creative heights with conscious awareness brings out the same productive and creative heights around you leading to a state of perfect oneness, which one never even began to think when one started out. So begin by becoming aware of the YOU and see the world change for you.~ Maitreya Rudrabhayananda

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