Prayer Healing and Blessing
Prayer, Blessings and healing.
People have a lot of confusion in this. Prayer is something part of me. It's always being part of me. It's what mixes what we are. When you talk about our own body, our own conscious, our own way of understanding the things around us, it's nothing but prayer.
The prayer is not conditioned to you. The prayer is not conditioned by time and space. What we are, how we got connected to this particular moment of time and space, in a particular womb, at a particular time and space, the way we got connected at that particular moment of time and space, how we have adapted, adjusted, worked on, the way we have in the time and space.
If you look around, we are all grown up. Throughout our time and space, we have looked at a lot of things with a heart or prayer.
It's not easy. It's not easy for everyone to be part of a prayer group. Not everyone is able to understand and relate to the prayer. Not everyone is able to connect to the prayer. Not everyone is able to merge with the prayer. For many a prayer means, a petition, a seeking, a want or desire, as and when required.
For many, it's like looking out for a way when you are stuck. For many, it's a method of being in peace, happiness, joy. For many, it's a ritual. For many, it's a duty.
You find that things apparently become different when we look and understand and work on a concept of prayer, the way we wanted to happen.
When we consider it as a duty, there's a condition. Duties are bound by conditions. So what happens? The pressures are high. The mind is struggling to find time to do the prayer. It's confined and crushed between the time and space of the priorities.
When it becomes a part of ritual, it actually begins as a process of body condition where a certain process is done mechanically. Even when you understand the meaning of it, you are not able to accept it.
You are not merging into it. You have heard the meaning of it. You understand the meaning means this and that is why you are doing a particular process.
The beauty actually comes when somebody is seeking out something.
They have a logical mind. They have a rational mind. They keep on seeking from multiple places for the same thing. It's a desperate move.
Desperation is not a prayer. Desperation is nowhere related to your connectivity with the core energy.
So what happens?
Something which has to naturally happen, if it happens, people just attribute it to certain person or certain individual or the deity or the religion. And whenever such kind of problems come, they go back to that.
So depending on a scenario, they look for specialist. The core of the prayer is actually where I can connect to me.
How do I connect to me?
At the grossest level, if you look around, we are all conditioned. We are all conditioned by our own personality. We fear that we should not leave it, lose it, forget about it. We are more worried for the future, pertaining to the family, pertaining to us, pertaining to the way we have led our life.
When you pray, the movement, you are connected to your biasness of I, of the pure selfishness, you will find the beauty rising up.
For a mother, the child is the supreme. And for lovers, it's between two of them, or many of them.
But how one connects at that moment of time is part of my debt, my acceptance.
We are all ritualistic when we talk about family. We keep on chanting their names. We are always remembering them. We are happy because they succeeded in certain things.
They were one of our certain things. Maybe the fate is not working for them.
Maybe they are doing the hard work, but they are not getting the result they should be getting.
The outcome is not important. The person is more important is the person's name. That is the biggest chance you have. For a mother who is connected to the child, the child becomes a child. For a child who connects with his wife, the wife becomes a child.
For the child who connects with the mother, the mother becomes a child. For the child, when the work becomes a child.
It's a prayer. So all of that, irrespective of the way it is being connected to, is a prayer. That means a prayer is something where I am free. It's not a duty. I'm not chanting the name because it's a duty. I'm chanting the name because of my affection, my involvement, my care, my being part of the person.
The core is more relevant there. It does not matter what name you are chanting. It becomes a prayer. So the crux of the prayer begins with the concept of fire. Then my attachment to the individual becomes the me. I am chanting the name so I and the entity becomes the me. So there also the priorities have set fixed. My interest, my desire is all fixed. Whenever it is getting fixed, I can connect to it better.
I can go deeper with it. The more I am able to go deeper with it, I find that things are particularly connected to me at the conscious level.
In the deepest of the sleep, I can remember the name. That becomes the core.
For me, that is the essence. It's not love. It's like an infatuation, but it's more passionate. It's nothing physical. There is nothing mental all over the world.
It's more of an emotion which is working at the body level.
All in the conditionality is what we spoke right now or till now is based on the body level. The more and more a person is connected at the body level, the more and more the person will be connected at the body emotion and the body mind.
That is why we look at behavior, we look at the communication, the way connectivity happens, the way some response happens, all those becomes part of my body.
If I remove my body, nothing is experienced. Nothing is felt. Nothing is done.
Yet something has moved. So the body becomes the crux to begin with. And these bodies are conditioned by norms set up by the society, set up by the culture, set up by the religion. So we start praying the deity. And somehow we start feeling the affinity. Two certain deity, certain names, certain way it's appearing. And it becomes the core of us. But we seldom are able to see all these entities beyond the religion. We are not understanding that the elements around us, the ground on which we are standing, the air we are breathing, the water we are drinking, the touch, the expanse of the sky.
All of that is prominent and important for us to survive. When we survive, the I and me will survive. Similarly, the religions too will survive. For religions we are made by the man, for the man to live in a society. It's a way of life. It can be the orthodox kind of religion. It can be a modern religion. It can be open religion.
It can be anything.
But it is made by the man. And depending on the scenario, situation and need, it has changed. Prayer is one thing that doesn't change. You're calling out names for the prayer.
But some names are being chanted throughout the day. The core of you which is getting chanted is your breath. The inhale and exhale. For it, you're not a priority. The inhale and exhale is continuously happening throughout the universe. And everything that is in the universe is being felt inside you also.
How it is getting connected? How is it expanding? Matters more when somebody prays. When the prayer happens, it is to be felt, to be sensed, to be known, to be connected. At the connection level, it's part of merging. It's about acceptance.
A prayer bound by duty is not a prayer. A prayer bound by need is not a prayer.
A prayer bound by conditionalities is not a prayer. But the prayer begins with a conditionality of the eye and the knee. The eye has to be realized, understood, accepted. The knee has to be realized, understood, accepted. It is not important at what time you are praying. It's not important where you are praying. It's not important how you pray. The more important is, do you pray?
The moment you pray, you are connecting. In that connection, you are expanding. In that expansion, you are finding a way where you can merge. In that moment of merging, you find that things have changed. When it is need-based, it's conditioned. But when you open up, you find that the prayer is a healing itself. But for that, you have to surrender. You have to allow the energy to flow with you. It's a struggle when the conditions are there. It's like a barricade is being put up. For the energy to reach you, the more the barricade you are putting up, the more time it's going to take for the energy to reach you. A prayer is a healing tool. A prayer is a blessing tool. A prayer is a joy tool.
How we connect to that matters more. We need not have a duty-bound time for prayer.
We need not have a conditionality for prayer. We need not have restrictions on that. A prayer is something that can be done at any place, at any given moment of time, irrespective of what you are doing. For in prayer, nothing is right and nothing is wrong. Even the worst kind of wrong things you have a thought in your mind, you find that the prayer only goes and does the positive thing.
For it's a way of healing. It's a way of protecting. It's a way of shielding you. From all the conditionalities, you have storing up for years together. The more you have been storing up, the more barricades you put up. It's not necessary that we need to pray for everyone. No, you pray for yourself.
If transformation of you happens, you will find the world also transforms. The world also changes with you, for they are also part of you. They are connected to you. Those who want you will find that they know how to reach you by removing the barricades. Similarly, the moment the barricades are removed from you, the energy which is part of you comes back to you in the most natural way.
There is no struggle required, there is no conditionalities, there is no blockages. So my expansion will help. All healing methods work on the concept of prayer. The healing, the first natural way of flowing is a prayer.
Prayer where I am allowing the nature to take the precedence, the control and navigate the way for the maximum benefit for me and the people I know.
People I will love. People I would like to meet. People I would like to love. People I am concerned for. And all those people who are somehow connected to me and are connected to me right now, so that this energy can expand.
A prayer is a vortex, it is an energy vortex. Healing is taking a scoop of the energy from the vortex and passing on to the needed person. Healing is balancing the energies. For balancing the energy one needs to be in a prayer stand. One needs to understand that one is not praying. One is allowing oneself to be taken by the flowing energies of the nature, where it merges, expands and connects to the universal ocean of light.
The vortex is getting created at many places. These energy vortex are a reservoir of people who are prayed, who are sincerely prayed, who are prayed from their own conscious, presenting beyond the eye me and myself.
They are able to relate to the energy much better for they do not feel a difference between them, the world and the family members. So anyone anywhere and everywhere are part of their family and they keep on expanding on that thing. That becomes a vortex. Somebody who wants to pray has to connect to the vortex. Allow the vortex to move. Don't create barricades. Healing naturally will happen.
If the barricades are removed, the prayer will reach the supreme conscious. Once the barricades are removed, when the concept of eye merges into me, merges back into myself, allowing the concept of wonders emerging,
allowing it to connect to the body. When the one is connected to you, find that changes will be natural, will be much more deeper, which will be much more subtle.
This is the biggest blessing you can give for you are getting connected to the vortex of energy. And you are becoming a Channel. When you become the Channel, and when you are allowing the energy to naturally flow through you,
you find that the blessings are received by those who have missed the opportunity to connect to the vortex.
But they are able to connect to the vortex through the person who is praying for them. The healing too happens when the blessings are there. The beauty is when you look for blessings, the healing and prayer happens. When you look for healing, you find the prayer happening for you. When you look for prayer, you find the blessings to be happening to you. All the three are one, yet the subtlest changes.
This is a vast difference. It's not about one person doing the healing, or two people doing healing, or a group doing the healing or not, or a number of people doing the prayer. No, it's about. Each one of them merging to the ocean of the energy vortex, allowing them still to become channels for the healing to happen. Without a biased state of mind, we will be blessing all the people around. It also is a medium for blessing all the natural energies surrounding you.