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Feb 21, 20163 min read
mahashivaratri FAQ
What are the Time period symbolize? These timezone do not symbolize the normal timezone, it reflects the cosmic timezone. Cosmic Time...

Jan 11, 20162 min read
Knowledge and intelligence at gross levels may be relevant but wisdom and a deep desire to enquire and inquire are more important for one...
Nov 24, 20152 min read
Pratibimba means Reflection, reflection of the truth is what in its inner most core of subtle essence of cosmic essence it means. It...
Nov 8, 20152 min read
A Festival of Light
Namaskar Wishing every one a very auspicious and beautiful Dhanteras, Naraka Chaturthi and Deepawali. Dhan means wealth not just money....

Sep 4, 20153 min read
Cooking Relation
But if you cannot cook or cook with anger, frustration that visitors are coming or relatives are coming then the food is useless for the...
Sep 1, 20153 min read
Consciousness is easily talked about in the healing areas by the energy workers but do people really understand what consciousness is....

Jul 11, 20151 min read
Karunya (compassion)
There is a beautiful way to know if the serving,caring, compassion is real or not by the self. This is important for it allows one to...

May 24, 20156 min read
Acceptance of realization of darkness, ignorance and conditions allows one to easily burn them with the light, energy and conscious...
Feb 21, 20152 min read
Awakening the Consciousness
It is seldom one accepts the beauty of human life. The depth and expanse of the self in human consciousness is not different from any...
Feb 20, 20152 min read
Conscious Meditation
The path walking on the consciousness is living in the moment of time without having aversion to any of the emotions for the emotions...
Jun 7, 20142 min read
Sleeping Mind
What one carries to bed and what one awakens with has a great relevance. Throughout the day we are working on many aspects of life and...

May 20, 20142 min read
Even before one knows the depth of Prana (Life force) one has to realize the depths of the self to connect to the Prana within. The prana...
Mar 18, 20147 min read
Lose Thyself in the Vision of the Lord
Lose Thyself in the Vision of the Lord, until then you are not alive. What you seek and when you find it you understand the vastness that...
Nov 12, 20112 min read
Types of pRana at Body Level( the Life Force)
In Hindu Dharma scriptures the force of energy that regulates, body, mind and connects to spirit is called Prana. Prana equivalent terms...
Jul 13, 20081 min read
Query I sat in relax meditation after the breathing process, there was a short moment when my breathing and heartbeat slowed/calm down...
Nov 4, 20031 min read
Being in Life is a path of growth Your one step changes the way Nature walks two steps towards you Breathing in life will bring life...
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