Knowing the identification caused me to move
For I thought I know the body, the mind, the soul
Was this knowledge enough for me to move?
For every move I took I found the identification missing
I know the body which is moving but is it moving?
I know mind is keeping control so body moves
But then I saw mindless body move; so, what moves?
I know mind will allow me to reach the soul
Soul will allow me to know the truth about me
But then I found many a soul-less body move
What can I follow now for I found all a waste
Is my identification right or wrong with body?
Is my identification right or wrong with mind-body?
Is my identification right or wrong with soul-body?
I met a bodiless mind, mindless soul
So bright was bodiless and mindless
It broke my body, my heart and my mind
Alas! The whole life I ran after the body and bodiless
All the knowledge told it is body and all things around it
Here he is who showed neither am I nor is anyone body
The body shell vanished showing me the light
For light made me bodiless and mindless