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A MAster I made

I seek Master to give me salvation

For it is written in scriptures

I seek Enlightenment and Liberation

But nothing shall I surrender or leave

I know Buddha, Mahaveera and Krishna

I know the rest of the so called great beings

I am better than them, I know so

I have read and re-read all their sayings

Web and books are filled with them

Too simple and too old I know

I am new and I am the thing for this time

A Master I seek just for obliging him

He too becomes a Master and is proud of

Having such a soul as a student

A Master shall be one who is pure

For he would only see purity in me

Dare he not try to change me

In return I shall chant his name

Share his name with others

Is it not enough for me to do?

I am making him immortal by name

He should know and bow down to me

A Master is one who is selfless

I need not follow what he teaches

I have queries which take me beyond

Knowledge of queries make me greater

For I can hold my ground with it

His truth is simple, my life is complex

Adamant, logical and rational am I

He follows the path of intense faith

Neither he asks nor do I follow him

A Master is one who is beyond

He should ask me what I want

He has to strive for me to gain it

For, it is my right and he is for me

A master I made what more to do

I took initiation and leaned back

Rest is his task, his work and his vision

I seek enlightenment and salvation

His task should only be to enlighten me

A Divine’s slave I have for I am divine

Need I require divine? Kicking the slave is enough

Salvation happens for one who does nothing I know

Salvation happens for dogmatic people, I know

I am one who is beyond yet I asked

I sought a Master, how humble am I

Looking in the mirror I see the Master

The Master within me, so powerful

Broad shoulders and even broader ego

In the shadows I see the Master I made

Weak and withering, tired of the load

Should I not kick him out?

For he is not the right one

He worked on me but was not good

He worked for me but was not good

Food never I gave him for he was not good

Such a lazy person I made the Master

He needs to be left for he is useless

I need not be part of him I am better

Rather he should feel good and happy

For I made him my Master

I know now what he can give me

Like a piece of used up paper

I can throw him and grow beyond



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