Chaotic mind chaotic soul
Broken body broken mind
Breathing shallowly I wait
Eyes blurred body withered
Tears dried skin wrinkled
Blood is drying bone is fragile
Strength is slowly moving out
Lonely I stay aloof I remain
Fear seeping within breaking me
Who am I? What am I? Why am I?
Queries gave birth to me with force
Born with happiness with a family
I cherished and longed it to grow
I had so many so many dreams
Absorbed totally in the belief
Belief that I am not lonely
Meditated with purity of faith
Serving, saving and happiness the motto
Delved deep and more I delved
Found I am lonely all beliefs died
All family moved away, none knew me
None cared for me, none nourished me
The power within me shone through
A light none was interested to relate
Time when the body had to rise
Rise and hold on the occasion
Childhood dreams killed me,
Adult life may never happen
for I lie withered and broken
the eyes hold a far distant dream
A dream a vision a concept
So many came and went
so many sacrifices so many revelation
Yet I dreamed had a vision
Now I see it far away too vague
lonely I remain in the vast ocean
I know the dream will happen
I know the vision will be fulfilled
I know the revelation will be done
Eyes are tired, so let me sleep
Sleep and when I wake up
May it happen in the purest Manner