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Trip to Tiruvanammalai

Trip to Tiruvanammalai


Consciousness is the source of Lifelessness Consciousness is the source of Life force The gross consciousness releases Energy Gross level of energy takes form of Fire Fire burns from within, leading to matter Matter emerges as solid till Fire emerges Once Fire emerges the Matter melt Fire matter merges back into Energy Energy on its own takes form of Consciousness It was a small yet wonderful visit to Tiruvannamalai district The place of Arunachala . So many times I have visited this place that I forgotten the count yet the experience remains unique every time. Well never got time to sit and enjoy for it was the shortest trip ever here. Over the years the place has changed, it has become bigger, bit commercial and yes more comfortable for a city dweller. I still liked the old Tiruvannnamalai with its quietness, serenity and a place for doing Sadhana. ~ Maitreya Rudrabhayananda

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